Peanut Parade Information

Peanut Parade Information

The parade will begin Saturday morning at 10AM. The Peanut Parade will be held rain or shine. The only exception will be the case of lightning in the area.

Click Here To Download A Parade Registration Form

Parade Rules

  1. Deadline for all entries in the parade will be two Saturdays prior to the festival  No exceptions will be made.
  2. Judging will begin at 9:00 a.m. sharp. Judged entries, other than marching bands, will be awarded their ribbons at parade set up and announced during parade.
  3. All Vehicles must be driven by a licensed driver.  Motorcycles will NOT be allowed in parade.  
     ATV’s are only allowed if they are promoting a business.  Drivers of ATV’s must be at least 16 years of age. This will be strictly enforced. 
  4. No unsafe driving practices will be tolerated, including burn-outs, wheelies or speed as well as loud pipes or engines.
  5. Any  entry considered a possible fire hazard, by parade chairman, will be required to have a fire extinguisher on board and in sight.
  6. It is not permitted to throw candy or any object from parade entries.
  7. Horse entries must pre-register according to the above deadline (two Saturdays prior to the festival).  Horse entries must provide a current Coggins test.  This test must be no older than one year from the date of the festival and must be presented to an on sight festival volunteer the morning of the parade.   Riders will also be expected to maintain safe control of their horse for the protection of attendees.
  8. Any decisions the Parade Chair should find necessary to make concerning the safety and well-being of the parade and its activities are to be respected and so adhered.
  9. Vehicles entering parade in order to be judged, must be in the category of vintage or antique.  New vehicles may be driven in parade if promoting a business.

The Grapeland Chamber of Commerce extends an invitation to civic clubs and organizations that are of benefit and enjoyment to ALL in attendance to enter our Peanut Festival Parade.  We also extend an invitation to the following:

Queen Contestant Floats
Commercial Floats
Marching Bands
Drill Teams
Vintage/Antique Automobiles and Tractors
Youth Groups
Political Candidates and Representatives
Walking Groups
Horseback Riders
Horse or mule drawn wagons

For more information, please contact
