The Saturday before Easter, a community Easter Egg-Stravangaza Drive-through was held in the Grapeland City Park. Because of COVID-19 concerns this year, the annual Easter egg hunt was changed to a drive-through format. Local Grapeland area churches, civic groups, and businesses came together to host the event. Upon entering the park visitors were met by disciples at the registration tent. Driving through the park, there were scenes set up displaying events from the Easter story. Each vehicle was given a handout telling the story associated with each scene.

The first scene was the cross with the Roman Soldiers depicting the story of the crucifixion.

The second scene was the empty tomb with the stone rolled away. Angels were present to announce the resurrection of Jesus. Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive? Luke 24:5

The final scene was Jesus with the children.

The visitors then moved forward to receive bags containing candy-filled Easter eggs, an Easter story coloring activity booklet, and crayons.

Before exiting the park, Pastors from local Grapeland churches were available to pray with the families.

After the event was completed, a drawing was held for prizes and the winners were contacted to pick up the bikes, hover boards, and other items given away.