

2021 Good Neighbor Awards

The Grapeland Area Chamber of Commerce recognized several people throughout our community for their selfless acts of kindness to help others. The recipients were nominated by people of the community. They are recognized as the 2021 Good Neighbors. Good Neighbor Awards List Charles Hart Charles Hart shared his generator with his neighbors. Michael Gibson he worked very hard during the storm. He was helping people in so many ways. He has also helped feed the community on various occasions. Charles…

Easter Egg-Stravangaza

The Saturday before Easter, a community Easter Egg-Stravangaza Drive-through was held in the Grapeland City Park. Because of COVID-19 concerns this year, the annual Easter egg hunt was changed to a drive-through format. Local Grapeland area churches, civic groups, and businesses came together to host the event. Upon entering the park visitors were met by disciples at the registration tent. Driving through the park, there were scenes set up displaying events from the Easter story. Each vehicle was given a…

2019 Chamber Banquet

The Annual Chamber Banquet was held on January 24. Master of Ceremonies, Blake Howard and Mistress of Ceremonies 2018 Grapeland Peanut Queen Carly Parker. Grapeland ISD Superintendent and Chamber board member Don Jackson opened the meeting in prayer. Grapeland student Blake Davis lead the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag. Chamber President, Pat McNeive then welcomed the crowd. Mr. Kent Willis introduced the keynote speaker, Dr. Paul McGaha, DO from the UT Health Science Center. He spoke about practical…

2018 Chamber Banquet

The theme for the Annual Chamber Banquet this year was Shifting Paradigms – Pathways to Prosperity.  The banquet was held Thursday January 25, 2018 and there was a full house present to celebrate the accomplishments of the past year. The evening started off with a performance by the choir from somewhere.     Mr Eric Bell sang an inspirational version of America the Beautiful .           Mr Don Jackson, the Superintendent of Grapeland Independent School District…