The Grapeland Area Chamber of Commerce recognized several people throughout our community for their selfless acts of kindness to help others.
The recipients were nominated by people of the community.
They are recognized as the 2021 Good Neighbors.

Good Neighbor Awards List
Charles Hart
Charles Hart shared his generator with his neighbors.
Michael Gibson
he worked very hard during the storm. He was helping people in so many ways. He has also helped feed the community on various occasions.
Charles Faulk
He came out if his warm home during the winter storm to help me when my pipe burst. His help was so much appreciated.
Britteney Walker
Cooked and delivered food to families during the snowstorm.
David Loew
Jesse and David Loew cut and took firewood to residents in Tejas Shores when they were running low and after the ice melted – they went to a lot of neighbors’ homes to make sure the water meters were not busted and leaking!
Gordon Brannaka
came out with their tractors and cleared roads for our residents!
Randy Hargrove
came out with their tractors and cleared roads for our residents.
Greg Wassberg – did not attend
Truly grateful for for Greg who already had firewood cut and he donated it to the cause! Super awesome people!
Christal Peck
cooked for us since we had no electricity and helped with broken water lines.
Grapeland Fire Department
went door to door checking on people and offering rides to the Crockett civic center.
Arlene Ricardo Martinez with Tamaleria Los Martinez
Fed many people.
I saw our community pull together. People helping people. Giving rides. Neighbors helping neighbors. Haven’t seen that love and compassion in a long time. Arlene Ricardo Martinez with Tamaleria Los Martinez feed many. Thanks Jocelyn Jazmine Santos and Angie C. Brown for the texts checking on us.
Tabbie Riddlesperger – (was not mentioned at ceremony – I am going to track this person down)
for sharing water when our pipes froze!
Stephan Till – did not attend
gave rides and helped many with their water lines. These are only a few to name names. Several offered their homes!
Rolaz Taqueria
had their doors open to help.
Keshia Thomas
Keshia’s Café – fed many people all over Crockett and surrounding areas.
Audice Leon Wallace
Standing w/Crockett
Ross Pennington
Road clearing
Jason Bridges
Road clearing
Frank Chapman
Arthur Betz
Grapeland Teacher Nomination
Kevin Watts
Kept water on for Grapeland Residents
Urgent Care -Grapeland Texas
Caring for the community
Mitchell Woody
His service to the community
Grapeland Police Dept
Services to the community